неділя, 26 лютого 2023 р.

Подорож до зоопарку

Вітаємо всіх гуртківців "Happy English" та шанувальників англійської мови! Дорогі юні читачі! Пропонуємо вам захоплююче онлайн лінгвосафарі "Подорож до зоопарку".
     Ви зможете познайомитися з дикими тваринами, дізнатися про їх особливості, вивчити нову лексику, переглянути пізнавальні відео, прочитати цікаві тексти, скласти розповідь про свою улюблену тварину, і все це англійською! Тож вирушаймо!
                                   Let's go!
Ознаймомтеся, будь ласка, з назвами тварин


Повторіть лексику:

Bear — ведмідь
Camel — верблюд
Crocodile — крокодил
Elephant — слон
Giraffe — жирафа
Kangaroo — кенгуру
Leopard — леопард, барс
Lion — лев
Lama — лама
Monkey — мавпа
Ostrich — страус
Rhinoceros — носоріг
Snake — змія
Tiger — тигр
Wolf — вовк
Zebra — зебра
Anteater — мурахоїд
Baboon — бабуїн
Badger — борсук
Beaver — бобер
Cheetah — гепард
Cougar — пантера, пума
Gazelle — газель
Gorilla — горила
Ocelot — оцелот
Panda — панда
Panther — пантера
Porcupine — дикобраз
Zebra — зебра
Puma — пума
Lynx — рись
Jaguar — ягуар
Hyena — гієна
Alligator — алігатор

При описі будь-якої тварини ви можете використовувати слова:

Size – розмір

Weight – вага

Body – тіло

Eyes – очі

Color – колір, забарвлення.

Teeth – зуби

Male – самець

Female – самка

Head – голова

Whiskers – вуса

Jaw – щелепа

Fur – хутро

Tail – хвіст

Paws – лапи

Massive – масивний

Muscular – м’язистий

Hunter – мисливець

Predator – хижак

Walk – хода

Large body – велике тіло

Long snout – витягнута морда

Heavy build – міцна статура

Runner – бігун

Swimmer – плавець

Vertical stripes – вертикальні смужки

Strong – сильний

Curved beak– загнутий дзьоб

Strong legs – сильні лапи

Wings – крила

Feather – перо

Multicolored – різнокольоровий

Intelligent – розумний, тямущий

Talkative – балакучий

Friendly – доброзичливий

Playful – грайливий

Smell – нюхати

Hear – чути

Breed – порода

Trunk – хобот

Tusks – ікла

Huge – величезний

Move – пересуватися

Hind legs – задні лапи 

Ласкаво просимо до зоопарку!

Оберіть собі текст для читання за рівнем складності

In the zoo (level 1)

   I live in a big city. There is a wonderful zoo in my city. I like to go there with my parents. There are a lot of funny animals in it. They are elephants, lions, crocodiles, giraffes, monkeys, tigers, and others. There are a lot of different birds, too. Lion is my favourite animal. It is the king of animals. I like to go to the zoo very much.

In the zoo (level 2)

   Visiting zoo is always an event that gives you lots of emotions. Seeing the animals you could see only in the pictures is breathtaking. I like all the animals there. First of all I head to see the giraffe as it is really interesting to watch it. I try to give it some bread and touch it. But I'm not always lucky. I like watching penguins. These creatures are so funny that you never get tired of watching them. I like snakes. It may seem that it is too boring watching the silent and not usually moving animal, but it bewitches me with it calmness. Seeing white bears is the moment I expect the most. If I am lucky, I can see big bears with their babies and that's what I love. I like seeing how they play, eat and take care of each other. I can never leave without seeing lamas. These animals are so adorable that I fell in love with them from the first sight. I am very happy to have ones in the zoo in my town as it is not usual to have this kind of animal.

Дайте, будь ласка, відповіді на запитання до текстів:


1.    Is there a zoo in your city?

2.    Do you like to go to the zoo?

3.    What animals are there in the zoo?

4.    What is your favourite animal?

Прочитайте розповіді про тварин:


  Tigers have massive head and a muscular body. Their usual coloration is reddish-orange with vertical black stripes. Their walk is very graceful. 


The bear we saw yesterday had long and brown fur. Bears have stocky legs and a large body, their heavy build makes them very strong. These animals are solitary, they are considered to be asocial. Bears are excellent runners, swimmers and climbers, though they have very large bodies. 


Parrots have strong curved and beak. Parrots are famous for their ability to imitate human voices. They can be very talkative, they are quite sociable animals. They have long wings and multicolored feathers. 


       Dolphins are mammals which live in the sea and oceans, they eat fish and squids. They have a fusiform body, a tail fin and pectoral fins. They breathe through the blowhole on the top of their head. They have a quick healing process.


Dogs have a head, four legs and a tail. Dogs are domesticated animals, they are very playful and friendly. They often have jobs – they are used in police and army, they can also be pets. They hear and smell very well, but they are color blind. 


Elephants are large mammals, they have big four legs, a head with huge ears, tusks and a trunk, they also have a small tail. Their height can reach 4 meters. They like to stay near the water.


Kangaroo moves by hopping on its hind legs. Kangaroo is considered to be an unofficial symbol of Australia. They move and feed in the morning and at night. They like to spend the day in shade. Their muscular tail is very strong and it supports the body.

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