четвер, 20 квітня 2023 р.

Природа навколо нас

Юні друзі!

  Пропонуємо вам чергове онлайн заняття гуртка "Happy English" - інтерактивну гру "Природа навколо нас", на якому ви зможете дізнатися багато нових слів, виразів про природу, а також навчитеся розповідати про природні явища і все, що нас оточує.

Ознайомтеся, будь ласка, з необхідною з  лексикою: 

Спробуйте побудувати зв'язну розповідь. Використовуйте такі речення для опису природи:


It is cold in winter.

It is very windy.

When the winter comes the sky is dark.

Lakes and rivers are frozen.

The trees don’t have leaves. 

  The weather in winter is not very cold, it is often foggy and cloudy, and sometimes, we can have snow a couple of months during winter.  During some winters, there may be no snow at all. 


Spring is a beautiful season.

Days become longer.

The sky is blue and cloudless

The birds sing in the trees.

The trees and grass are green.

There are a lot of flowers in the fields.  

  Spring is cold in March and it is warm and sunny in April and May. Plants and trees start growing and getting green in April. In the end of April and in May trees blossom, there are a lot of flowers and green grass. It gets warm in the middle of April, and we do not need warm clothes.


The summer is the warmest season.

Sometimes it is very hot.

The sky is blue.

The sun shines brightly.

The rains are warm in summer.

There are a lot of flowers and berries in summer.

Summer is the hottest season of the year. During summer children they spend time and play outdoors, go to the beach and have fun. A lot of fruit and vegetables grow and get ripe. Summer is my favourite season. 


Autumn comes after summer.

The leaves on the trees are yellow, red and golden.

In October and November it is cool.

The sky is grey.

It often rains.

The wind is cold.

There are puddles and it is dirty in the streets.

   Autumn is the most boring season: It is often very cloudy, windy, rainy and foggy in October and November. But September is nice, it is nearly like summer. Leaves get yellow or brown and fall everywhere and all the nature gets ready for winter.

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The nature

Do you enjoy watching trees blossoming, birds singing, bees whirling around? I do. That's called nature. Each part in nature is important and full of unknown secrets. Humans were created by mother nature, so you can feel safe or calm only if you connect with nature. You can get a rest from big cities only if you go to some kind of peacful park or forest. Every season has its ownbeauty. Watching leaves in autumn, snowflakes in winter fills people with happiness. Thats why all modern cities try to find a place to make parks. Humanity must understand that we should take care of nature.
Спробуйте вивчити віршик:

Clouds clouds black and grey,
heavy with water to drop all day.

Sun sun is breaking through, clouds are moving,

the rain stops too.

Rainbow, rainbow across the sky,
see-through colours to tickle my eyes.

Помічайте красу природи навколо себе й 
сміливо висловлюйтеся про неї іноземною!
Більше прочитати англійською мовою про природу ви зможете в бібліотеці-філії №5 для дітей! 
Для вас якісні, цікаві та яскраві книги-білінгви
 (книги для вивчення іноземної мови, які написані двома мовами)



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